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Red and Black


Team Rookies

Red and Black was a game concept directed by Sam Smyth in the early stages of the 2022 Greenlight Jam. While it never reached past early prototyping stages, it served a strong role in helping my team learn how to communicate between a narrative designer and a character designer. Shown in the gallery are some of our favorite examples of the designs that came from that process. 

Team Rookies
Red and Black

2D Games Artist / Character Designer - Core focus was centered on character design and profiles, with a secondary focus on exploring Art Deco and Neo-Noir visual theming. 


Tech Stack

  • Dev Platform: Unity 2020.3 

  • Code Editor: Microsoft Visual Studio Code

  • Version Control: GitHub 

  • Artistic Software: Clip Studio Paint, Blender

  • Planning Workspace: Google Drive Suite

Development Time Frame - 2 weeks

Team Size - 3 

"Everything is a gamble."